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Music and Creative Arts
Studio Policy July 2024

1. All lessons & classes are conducted by tutors who have been approved by the AGAPE Management Board and who have a verified Working With Children Check.


2. All face-to-face lessons are held on the premises of Camden Uniting Church, 20 John St, Camden. 3. Cost of individual lessons: $40 - $45 per half hour ( inclusive of GST ). Cost of group classes: to be advised.


4. Payment of fees:

● Invoices are emailed prior to the beginning of each term, or before the start of a course. Please note that they are sent from our accounts manager, Gwen Simmons.

● Payment options: 1. Payment in full on receiving the invoice. 2. Payment in three instalments at the end of weeks 2, 5 and 8 of term.

● If the fees for the term are not paid by the end of week 8 of the term, AGAPE ARTS reserves the right to cease lessons for that student until the outstanding amount is paid.

● Our preferred payment method is by direct deposit into the AGAPE bank account (Name of account:Camden Uniting Church AGAPE. BSB 634634. Account 100034576)



Creative Arts Classes - equipment is usually provided.

Music Tuition :

* Parents may need to purchase music books for the student.

* We highly recommend purchasing from ( retail music shop called Music on the Move at Hurstville.) Music orders are posted very promptly. Phone John or Lisa 9585 1656

* AGAPE Music has a selection of new & second hand music tuition books which are available for parents to purchase or sometimes borrow

* Parents may be asked to purchase legal digital downloads of sheet music for the student e.g; or other reputable websites.

* Students taking individual music lessons must have a good quality instrument at home on which to practice. More details available from each teacher.


Missed lessons:

1. A student must not come to a lesson or class if they are unwell. AGAPE is a registered COVID SAFE business and we take the health and safety of our students and tutors very seriously.

2. A zoom or facetime lesson may sometimes be an option

3. Unfortunately no credits can be given for lessons missed by the student. When a time slot is reserved for a student it is for the whole term or for the duration of the course.

4. We are unable to offer makeup lessons for lessons missed by the student.

5. If a student is unable to attend, please notify either the tutor or Heather Bieman (0412 400394) as soon as possible. This is best done by sms.

6. If a tutor is unavailable, a credit will be applied to the following term’s invoice.

7. If a tutor is unavailable to teach on a given day, parents or the adult student will be notified by sms as soon as possible.



● Lessons are held weekly during NSW state school terms.

● Public holidays are observed. These will be taken into account by the accounts manager when preparing invoices.

● State school “pupil-free” days are not observed at AGAPE.



1. Enquiries about invoices & payment instalments should be directed to the accounts manager, Gwen Simmons.


2. Anyone experiencing difficulty in paying an invoice should contact the Director, Heather Bieman.

3. Questions about a music student’s progress should be directed first of all to the tutor, and if necessary, to Heather Bieman.


Heather Bieman OAM; Mus.B; Dip Ed; A.T.C.L.

Mobile 0412400394


Mobile 0412 400 394 or 02 4655 9303 

©2023 by Agape (Amazing Grace Academy of Performing Excellence). All rights reserved.

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