Child Safe Policy

AGAPE is committed to providing a safe and supportive music school environment
AGAPE is committed to a positive child protection culture
AGAPE is committed to a policy where all students are respected, valued and treated fairly
AGAPE is committed to an open door policy where parents are welcome to sit in on lessons
AGAPE is committed to provide music tuition from skilled and caring tutors.
AGAPE ARTS has zero tolerance of abuse, whether that be neglect, physical, emotional or sexual. A safe physical and online environment is essential.
While physical contact may be necessary to instruct a child on how to hold or play an instrument it must be appropriate to the lesson, and should only take place when it is acceptable to all concerned.
Tutors are not to befriend or communicate with students in any online platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat.
Tutors are not to communicate with students by phone, message or messenger unless it is with permission of parents.
Tutors are not to arrange to have any contact with students outside of AGAPE without the parent’s knowledge and permission
Students and parents are encouraged to provide feedback or concerns. Feedback and/or concerns should be communicated first of all to the Director of AGAPE, Heather Bieman, by appointment or email ( or to the Chairman of the Agape management board, Doug Ferris ( If deemed necessary by either the Senior Tutor/Director of Agape or the Chairman of the Board, the matter will be referred to Camden Uniting Church Counsil.
Allegations and complaints will be taken very seriously and reported to the appropriate legal authorities.
If a child becomes unwell or has an accident during a music lesson or Agape activity, the parent will be notified as soon as possible.
If a tutor becomes unwell, or for any reason cannot continue with a lesson in progress, the student will be cared for by the Director or another tutor until the child is collected by a parent, or if deemed necessary an ambulance will be called.
All tutors over the age of 18 must have a verified, current Working With Children Check for a paid worker.
Tutors applying to teach at AGAPE are asked to provide at least 2 referees, and these are followed up by the Director prior to an interview with the applicant.
Applicants are screened carefully regarding skills, qualifications, experience and qualifications.
Applicants are expected to understand and be empathetic to the values of Agape.
Applicants must have an understanding of and agree in writing to Agape’s current Child Safe Policy document.
Heather Bieman OAM, A.T.C.L, Bachelor of Music, Dip Ed
Director @ AGAPE ARTS
Mobile: 0412400394